Hello, I’m Chan Kok Sheng, COO, 4th WDFC
Please note that the OC has provided the Sunway Lagoon Hotel in Petaling Jaya as the official hotel for the 4th World Deaf Football Championships and there will be mutual cooperation between the OC and the hotel.
The Sports Commissioner of Malaysia has instructed the OC to organize this full-fledged championships. The OC will be responsible for all matters related to the event such as hotel, medical, immigration, security and transportation.
The OC will work with all of these departments to take additional steps to keep the program running smoothly.
We want all country teams to make hotel reservations through the Organizing Committee and not on their own, as the Organizing Committee is responsible for the event and ensures all planning, coordination and security for the entire team.
The OC will cover the costs of this event, such as transportation, judging, medical and miscellaneous services, etc.
We sincerely hope that your organization will book through the organizing committee of the championship.